I met some new faces in the local home brew community, trying their beer they entered too and going by it was only their 3rd brew they are getting things right and was probably better than some of the brews I did at a comparable stage.
Regarding my result.....
From what I learnt after the results talking to Malcolm Irving from Irving & Co. Brewers, I came 5th in my category of 'Light beers' (in terms of pale ales, IPAs, APAs, blonde beers, Amber ale, Red ale or English Bitter an Black IPAs) (judged on taste, aroma, colour, clarity, drinkability, name/presentation/label).
I am pretty happy with this result, being that there was over 25 entries in my category and drinking some of the others there was a lot of great beers, many from people who have entered in the past and brewing for far longer than myself. So 5th in my first competition is probably a fair result.
I was a long night for the judges sampling over 40 beers across all the different categories.
If the competition comes around next year would I do it again? Yes! Would I do it with G.E.B again? probably not....Not for the reason it came 5th but with the fact it was good to get feedback on this beer so I would like to enter another for the same reason.
What beer would I enter? I currently have 2, Fimbulwinter my black IPA or Saison of Love, my dry hopped saison. Both I will brew again this year.
As for G.E.B its now part of Brann Brew's 'core range'
Until next time......Happy Brewing
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