Beer Style 'Research': Sweet Stout

I thought to do a different kind of post, a quick post looking into styles that I could try to clone an existing beer or create a recipe of my own of this style.

This time I'm trying a bottle of Jet Black Heart from Brewdog, bought from Tescos Extra.

Ive read and watched alot on this beer and thought it was a good starting point to the style as I generally like Brewdogs beers.

As for the important sniff and taste test!

Well its very enjoyable, especially after a long but productive day at work.

It pours very dark brown, almost 'jet black'  with a little tan head that disappeared quickly.
Smell is of dark, roasted malts with faint coffee almost nutty notes and slightly sweet.
Taste wise I get dark, roasted malts followed by some slight dark berries and vanilla then what I can describe as a lingering chocolate milk flavour.

Very good indeed! I've got more of these to try coming up but it's certainly a great entry point into the sweet stout beer style.

The recipe itself is also so vary excesable given the fabulous DIYDOG.

Until next time.......Happy Brewing

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