New Brew + New Hops = THAI-PandA-ALE

I've been wanting to try Denali hops for a few brews now but haven't come up with a suitable recipe/hop schedule. However after reading an article in a recent BYO magazine on Award Winning Home brew APA recipes, I got a few pointers and fleshed out a new recipe. Even though I have a few cans from them I also wanted to create something like thairannocitrus from staggeringly good, using Kaffir Lime leaves too.

I aimed this brew day to coincide with Fathers day, so my dad could have a full keg (of my 9l keg) and I could have some too.
During the mash the target temp was more like 70oC than the 67oc target. While I over spared my preboil gravitiy was 10.40 instead of 10.35, I did this sparge as my boiler was heating up, so it seemed to take less time to hit boiling temps which has been litterly like watching & waiting for a kettle to boil in the past - pain staking!

SG was 1050 and FG was 1014 making it 4.7%

When it came to kegging it filled my 9l keg full for my dad (as it was a fathers day present) and probably about 1/2 that amount in one of my full sized kegs for myself.

The very small sample when I kegged it had a sweet pineapple/peach aroma, tasted the same but the lime came through after. Not too overpowering.

I waited 4 days after applying the gas, and although still slightly under carbed it tasted so so nice, full of citrus (aroma and flavour), then the aromatic lime taste from the kaffir lime leaves.

Basically was like Staggeringly Good's Thairannocitrus but super charged! If I have a craving for their beer now I might just have to brew my own.

Very pleased with the results so far. Have to drink this fresh! I could be the first new batch that gets added to my 'core range' (brews to brew again). 

See the full recipe on brewers friend.

Until Next Time...... Happy Brewing

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