Smoky The Bear

Its been a long few months with lots of DIY/home improvements going a few weeks ago I was able to do an experimental batch of beer.
Why is it experimental? well unfortunately recently when I purchased one of my favourite beers Proper Job in bottle form I found it tasting abit bland and 1 bottle I had almost tasted off, the next day I had the new JD cider and liked the smokeyness but then followed by the classic refreshing cider aspect.  Which lead me to think...have my tastes changed.....and how will a smoked beer taste.....

Two questions that made me ponder over a few weeks, until I could research smokey beers (and if they worked well with hops). What I wanted was a smokey beer but hoppy (but minimal bitterness) in a citrus tropical way too....An odd combo but having the ability to try our own style you can satisfy (hopefully!!) the cravings. Turns out that there are, small number mainly a derivative of an American Brown Ale/ Brown IPA.

Brewday happened and this past sunday I kegged it (carbing up with my new soda stream canister to test for coming months ahead of my next wedding batches), worked out pretty well as I was just about got a full keg. I mean just about as I was fearing I was going to get an overspill as it kept on coming.

I also had 2/3 of a pint spare at the end which I could do a quick sniffer was 11am so didn't want to consume the whole glass that early!

It appears to have turned out really well - its carbing up ready for a proper test over the weekend however it does appear very well rounded, smells very tropical/citrus. You then get a taste of smokeyness not overpowering as I played safe and used cherrywood smoked malts which give a rounded subtle smoke character.

I kept with my favourite galaxy hops and went with citra (apparently one of the beasty citrus hops) to accompany them, these came through at the end, followed with a slight aftertaste of smoke again. Slightly more time to meld together will hopefully improve this beers characteristics.

Would I want to do this beer again, we'll find out in 18 pints time when the keg's 1st impressions it could be one to drink while its fresh..

Until next time......Happy Brewing

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