From small time hobbyist to freelance writer

When I started this new hobby some six or so months ago, I knew I would like the whole home brewing scene but if you told me that I'd get the chance to write for an established community I would both be hesitant with the idea and tell you that there are other more seasoned and experienced Home Brewers out there. 

Over the last few weeks, I have been contacted by one of the Admins of TheHomeBrewForum asking if I would like to write some articles for them, they have an excess amount of topics that they would like publish. It was quite a coincidence as this was the same kind of time that I was setting the ground work on this blog. 

I gladly said yes, my knowledge on aspects of Home Brewing has increased quite considerably over the last few months. Its a hobby that not only gives you 40 odd pints every few months but has a lot of Science and a bit of Math involved, so if you open yourself to wanting to learn more then it gives more back.  Besides all this, it is a very interesting subject matter.

So two weeks on from my initial contact with the Admins, I now have a list of topics (78 to begin with) that I can pick and choose what I would like to cover. Some topics I already know quite a bit on and others that I'd probably need to research into, however those would be good for future projects, such as using Raspberry Pi in Home Brewing. 

To my surprise any articles will not only be syndicated on (which alone has over 15,500 members) but also and It must be a week of exposing my name, as at work a project statistics email I distributed to my internal team was eventually pushed right up the chain to effectively what would be 'The Board' or the Bosses of my Big Boss's Boss (try saying that when you've had a few Home Brew!)  

It was all good and proving that the work I was doing is becoming successful but when you get your big boss sending the email chain back to you and notice who its gone to its quite exciting and unnerving at the same time.  I'll have to think how I word the emails in future. 

Exciting prospects on the horizon, 

Until then..........Happy Brewing

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