New Year, New Brew.

So 2015 had its ups & downs, both in and out of Home Brew, mostly highs thankfully. 
Since June last year I've brewed 4 batches (excluding the one thats currently on the go). 

Three of those kits were kit based (Wilko's Golden Ale, Young's Raspberry & Mango Cider & Better Brews IPA), the other was a Black IPA that was an experimental beer, which did teach me a few things but ultimately I didn't have all the equipment necessary to produce something that I was completely happy with. There was lots of sediment within the bottles and my Tap a Draft (TAD)Bottle System. So much that when I came to the TAD that I couldn't drink it as it was so overly bitter, something that when I told my Dad he almost wept with the thought of lost beer.  
What a TAD (Tap a Draft) Looks like

Christmas rolls in and I not only did I get a extract recipe pack, I also got a large pot (12l) and a hop strainer.  I'll review the strainer at another point once the extract brew (Way to Amarillo)  is done and bottled so I can see how much hop debris and sediment there is compared to my previous attempt without a proper way of straining. 

I am not looking too forward into what and when I will brew next, by all accounts & past customer reviews Way To Amarillo should keep me hop happy for awhile...

However I have wanted & meaningfully said that when I got the equipment I would do an Elderflower and Honey beer, the recipe is a close secret for now as its still work in progress however I'll leave you with the name for clues to its make up....'Golden Flower'' Yes highly original I know!

I'll be back soon, until then.....

Happy Brewing.

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  1. Hi, I spotted your post on the homebrew forum so thought I'd stop by.

    I've been homebrewing for just over a year - my first kit was Coopers lager. I've also done Woodfordes' Wherry, St Peters Golden Ale, Youngs American Amber Ale and Festival World's Vienna Red Lager. I'm unlikely to progress to AG and all that serious business though!

    I don't have a homebrew blog but I do mention my home brewing in m personal finance blog because it saves me money, haha!

    Good luck with the blog and happy brewing!

    1. I too think I wont progress to the AG stages of development, Extract brewing currently. Maybe one day I'll get into AG but i'll be happy with where I see Extract taking me.

      There are still plenty of kits that sound good to do, two are the last from your list.
      Happy brewing to you too.
