A year has now past and have just celebrated my 1st Brewversary, over the last year I have developed my skills from a complete beginner, however I am still learning the ropes of all-grain after just brewing my first proper for a Fathers Day Brew (G.E.B Pale Ale). 

Although that did turn out the most successful to date the brew day itself didn't quite go according to plan.

Reflecting and looking back on the past brews there will certainty be brews I would do again, like pro breweries having a regular 'core' range of beers along with seasonal specials.

 I think I will do the same, using this repetitiveness to improve on a recipe and hone the brew days.

As the next year goes on I'm sure there would be beers to replicate from my BYO subscription or ideas to adapt - brews that you may not be entirely sure on or test batches like a SMaSH beer to discover if you like the flavour profile of certain hops, but may not brew again.

So what have I got in store for the next year? 

Well I've recently brewed and now drinking a Proper Job Clone I got for my birthday.

This week be brewing a dry hopped Saison (The Saison of Love) - perfect beer to brew during summer.

I will also be developing/improving existing recipes:

Golden Flower - English Ale (brewed a partial mash in May, which I'm in the process of converting & improving into an All Grain version)
Fimbulwinter - Black IPA (brewed a partial mash back in February, another brew that I will tweek slightly and improve)

There will be atleast two new brews I'll try my hand at:
Brann's Own - American IPA based off Brewdog's Original Punk IPA Recipe 2007-2010
The Dark Pint Ryeses - Red Rye IPA

For my Fathers day brew (G.E.B Pale Ale) I designed a professional style label.

Now these will include my 'mascot' Kuàilè (happy) the Panda. It was an illustrated drawing my wife did for me on a birthday card, it will make the labels classic clean look a bit more fun.

Who cannot love the cuteness of a Panda!?

Until Next time.......Happy Brewing

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